Are Merv 11 Filters Washable and Reusable? - An Expert's Guide

Filter King offers a subscription service that eliminates the need to replace air filters every 3 to 5 months depending on their MERV classification. Learn more about washable and reusable Merv 11 filters from an expert's perspective.

Are Merv 11 Filters Washable and Reusable? - An Expert's Guide

Filter King offers a subscription service that eliminates the need to replace air filters every 3 to 5 months, depending on their MERV classification. If you want to save money, you can clean the washable filter yourself to avoid air quality problems. Fiberglass filters are the cheapest class, but they cannot reach the highest MERV ratings that a polyester or HEPA filter can achieve. Washable oven filters need regular cleaning; the frequency depends on the environment and the MERV rating. Both washable filters and reusable oven filters offer filtration advantages that prevent contaminants from entering and fresh air from entering.

You'll save on additional filters and waste by not using a filter that needs to be replaced every few months. The higher the MERV rating of the air filter, the smaller the particles it can capture, but the greater the effect it will have on air flow. For a filter to be considered “HEPA”, it must be able to filter 99% of particles as small as 0.3 microns in diameter. Permanent air filters save time and money by providing a washable alternative to disposable filters. It's best to keep permanent home air filters in the 4 to 12 MERV range, where protection and affordability balance out.

Washable air and oven filters are made of mesh, whose tightness determines the MERV classification. There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding washable filters, for example, because you have to buy them less often. It is believed that these filters are, in fact, more cost-effective. That said, people are attracted to these filters because, apparently, they are less wasteful. They are supposed to last one year compared to a normal disposable filter that must be replaced every three months.

Make sure you don't choose a filter with a rating that is too high, as these filters tend to restrict air flow more than the lower-quality ones. When it comes to cleaning your washable filter, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. Generally speaking, you should use warm water and mild detergent or soap. You should also avoid using any harsh chemicals or abrasive materials as these can damage your filter. After cleaning your filter, make sure you let it dry completely before reinstalling it in your HVAC system. In conclusion, washable and reusable Merv 11 filters offer many advantages over disposable filters.

They are more cost-effective in the long run and they help reduce waste. However, it is important to remember that they need regular cleaning and maintenance in order to remain effective. Make sure you follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully when cleaning your filter in order to ensure optimal performance.