Can I Use an Aftermarket Brand of Air Filters Instead of OEM?

As an expert SEO I explain why using an aftermarket brand of air filters instead of OEM is a cost-effective option and how to choose one.

Can I Use an Aftermarket Brand of Air Filters Instead of OEM?

If you're looking for a more cost-effective option, an aftermarket filter is the way to go. OEM (original equipment manufacturer) filters are the specific filter model that is sold with the original equipment. Yes, you can usually use non-commercial brand or aftermarket oil and air filters on your lawn care equipment without any problem. While it's always recommended to use OEM parts whenever possible, using oil and air filters that aren't on the label is unlikely to cause any issues.

It's essential to keep up with regular maintenance of your gardening equipment. MERV 13 air filters provide even greater filtering power against fine particles compared to MERV 11 filters. If you're looking for a replacement air filter for your oven model from the brand that manufactured it, you'll get an OEM oven filter. MERV stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value, and the MERV classification is the primary classification system used for air filtration. In most cases, a MERV 8 air filter is considered a more than adequate option, but it may not be enough when it comes to combating the increase in outdoor air pollution, pet fur and dander, or the triggers of asthma and allergies.

FilterBuy does not sell or recommend fiberglass filters due to their low MERV rating and inefficiency. For example, a size of 20x30x1 may appear on the filter label, but if you measure the filter, you will see that the actual size is smaller than the nominal air filter size of 20x30x1. Typically, both sources offer the right size air filter for your system, while aftermarket manufacturers, such as FilterBuy, add additional features, such as odor blocking, a higher MERV rating, and designs that are easier to replace. Most importantly, not all filters are manufactured in the same way: the quality of the filter materials determines the lifespan of the product and its consistent performance. Aftermarket filter manufacturers try to recreate the functionality of the OEM filter by implementing strict standards regarding dimensions, fit and finish, and the choice of material. Forcing an incorrectly sized filter can cause it to warp, damage, or reduce its ability to function properly.

In these cases, a MERV 11 air filter can provide additional benefits and capture a wider range of particles that would pass through a MERV 8 filter. Air filters can be easily ordered with the number printed on an existing product, or the actual size of the opening where the filter is installed can be measured to determine the nominal filter size needed. It's important to never force a filter that's too large to be mounted or allow air to flow around a filter that's too small, as either can reduce efficiency. The MERV filter classification is the domestic and international industry standard classification system established by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers.