How Long Should You Change Your Merv 11 Filter? A Comprehensive Guide

This guide provides an overview of how long Merv 11 filters last and what factors affect their lifespan. It also explains the benefits of regularly changing your oven filter and provides tips on how to extend its life.

How Long Should You Change Your Merv 11 Filter? A Comprehensive Guide

Air filters with a MERV 11 rating or higher should be replaced every three to six months. However, if the filter is made of fiberglass, it is recommended to change it every 30 days. Pleated filters, which are more expensive, can last up to six months if they are replaced regularly. During peak summer and winter months, filters that would normally last 90 days should be changed every 30 days.

The size of the filter also affects how often it needs to be changed; a 1-inch pleated filter will need to be changed more often than a 4-inch pleated filter. Smoke can also damage the filter, so if you have smokers in your home, you may need to change the filter more often.

What Is a Merv 11 Filter?

A Merv 11 filter is an air filter that has a MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) rating of 11 or higher. This type of filter has filtering capabilities similar to those of the MERV 8, but with additional efficiency for filtering pet fur, kitchen smoke, smog, and virus carriers.

How Often Should You Change Your Oven Filter?

It is recommended that oven filters be replaced at least once every 90 days. However, if you have pets or people with allergies in your home, you may need to change the filter more often. If you use the air filter for less than five hours a day, you can extend the life of the filter for a few more months.

What Are the Benefits of Changing Your Oven Filter Regularly?

Regularly changing your oven filter has several benefits.

It helps keep your air clean by removing dust and other particles from the air. It also helps keep your air conditioning system running smoothly by preventing airflow restriction, which can reduce efficiency or even damage the system.


Determining how often you need to change your air filter will depend on where you live, the time of year, the filter material, and the efficiency of the filter you select. Be sure to check your oven filter regularly and replace it when necessary to keep your air clean and your air conditioning system running smoothly.

When it comes to MERV 11 filters, it is important to understand how long they last and when they should be replaced. This guide provides an overview of how long Merv 11 filters last and what factors affect their lifespan. It also explains the benefits of regularly changing your oven filter and provides tips on how to extend its life. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your air is clean and your air conditioning system is running efficiently.