What Are the Benefits of Using a MERV 11 Filter in an HVAC System?

When it comes to air filtration, Merv 8 and Merv 11 filters are two of the most popular options for residential use. Learn more about Merv 8 vs Merv 11 vs Merv 13 air filters.

What Are the Benefits of Using a MERV 11 Filter in an HVAC System?

When it comes to air filtration, MERV 8 and MERV 11 filters are two of the most popular options for residential use. These high-quality filters trap particles as small as one micron, such as Legionella and humidifier dust. MERV filters from 9 to 12 are the best filters that a residential air conditioning system can use without the need for major modifications to the system. Using an oven filter with a MERV rating higher than that required in your use case may have adverse effects.

The thickness of the filter material of a MERV 11 filter, for example, is greater than that of a MERV 8 filter. Therefore, in order for enough air to pass through the filter, a greater amount of energy is consumed. Increased use can lead to more wear and tear, so be sure to maintain your oven regularly. However, MERV 11 filters are not considered too tall for residential use. A product superior to MERV 11 is designed for commercial use or in homes with family members who suffer from respiratory problems.

We recommend choosing a filter with a MERV rating of between 8 and 13 for your air conditioning system. A MERV rating higher than 13 will likely wear out or damage your equipment, and a MERV rating lower than 8 may not effectively remove particulates from your home air. MERV 8 air filters are almost as affordable as the least efficient products, so they offer good value for money. In particular, using an air filter with a MERV rating that is too high can damage the compressor, heat exchanger, and air conditioner coil. If someone has an allergy or a respiratory problem, opt for a MERV 11 air filter or even a MERV 13 air filter.

For most homes and commercial buildings, filters with a MERV rating between 8 and 13 will sufficiently filter the air. While some online sites talk about MERV 17-20 filters, the EPA and ASHRAE only rate filters on the MERV scale from 1 to 16. All of these considerations are discussed below, and after reading this Pick HVAC guide on MERV 8 vs. MERV 11 vs. MERV 13 air filters, you'll know which one to choose. MERV ratings range from 1 to 20, with 1 being the lowest filtering capacity and 20 being the highest filtering capacity. It is essential to remember that the MERV rating of an air filter indicates its lowest possible capacity, that is, the minimum percentage of impurities that it could effectively filter. Since the air filters in many residential homes contribute more than half of that pressure, it's clear that air filters are responsible for much of the pressure drop in an air conditioning system.

The MERV classification is used to determine the efficiency of the air filter when filtering particles of certain sizes. MERV 11 filters are a great option if you need to take your filtration to the next level without restricting airflow too much. Experts recommend changing MERV 8 filters every 2 to 3 months to keep them working at full capacity. In conclusion, when selecting an air filter for your HVAC system, it's important to consider both its efficiency and its cost-effectiveness. The best option is usually one with a MERV rating between 8 and 13; this will provide adequate filtration without putting too much strain on your system or costing too much money.